Model Performance#

Objectives: what you will take away#

  • Definitions & an understanding of residuals, MAE, and, Conditions using the Howso Engine.

  • How-To retrieve the performance statistics that describe the Trainee’s performance.

Prerequisites: before you begin#

Notebook Recipe#

The following recipe will supplement the content this guide will cover:

Concepts & Terminology#

To understand this guide, we recommend being familiar with the following concepts:

How-To Guide#

In any machine learning workflow, an important step is to evaluate the performance of the model. This remains true when using the Howso Engine, but we would like to highlight Trainee functionality that helps gauge this performance while lessening the required effort of the user.

Step 1 - Global Model Performance#

The most basic and quintessential measure of model performance and uncertainty within a Trainee are the feature residuals. The Residual is described in more detail in the terminology section, but in this context, the feature residuals describe the average difference between the models prediction for a feature and the true value. These values are also called the Mean Absolute Error (MAE).

Alternatively, Trainee s are also able to compute more traditional model performance statistics. Some of the most obvious of which include accuracy, precision, recall, and \(R^2\). These performed on a per-feature basis just as residuals.


Metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall computed through react_into_trainee() are computed using a leave-one-out approach. This is notably different from the more traditional train-test split that is commonly used in deep-learning paradigms. Evaluating a Trainee using a train-test split is possible, but will likely yield different results than using react_into_trainee().

One important detail of how Trainee s evaluate performance is that these performance statistics are computed once and cached. Of course, they can be computed as often as the user would like, but these operations are expensive due to the instance-based learning approach embraced by the Howso Engine. The computation and caching of these performance statistics take place through calls to Trainee.react_into_trainee(), which takes boolean parameters indicating which groups of statistics the user would like to compute and cache. Then to retrieve these statistics, the user makes a call to Trainee.get_prediction_stats().

So, for example, to see a collection of performance statistics about the accuracy of predictions on each feature, the user would do the following:

performance_stats = trainee.get_prediction_stats()

Step 2 - Conditional Model Performance#

The Trainee is also able to compute and return performance statistics on subsets of the trained data that match a certain set of conditions. For example, a user might want to investigate the performance of their Trainee on cases that represent individuals over the age of 40. These conditioned prediction stats are not cached in the Trainee, so the call to react_into_trainee() is unnecessary. Instead, the user can directly call get_prediction_stats() while passing the condition parameter.

The user from the example would want to do the following:

# Conditions for continuous features take a tuple
# that represents the range of the condition.
performance_stats = trainee.get_prediction_stats(condition={"age": [40, 9999]})

These conditions can even be much more elaborate. For example a user could be interested in the performance on cases that represent individuals over the age of 40, who are also married and unemployed.

# Conditions for continuous features take a tuple
# that represents the range of the condition.
performance_stats = trainee.get_prediction_stats(
        "age": [40, 9999],
        "marital-status": "married",
        "job-status": "unemployed",

API References#