Feature Importance#

Objectives: what you will take away#

  • Definitions & Understanding Difference between global vs local, and robust vs non-robust Feature Contributions and Feature MDA.

  • How-To obtain both feature importance metrics.

Prerequisites: before you begin#

Notebook Recipe#

The following recipe will supplement the content this guide will cover:

Concepts & Terminology#

The main piece of terminology this guide introduces is the concept of Feature Importance. To understand this, we recommend being familiar with the following concepts:

Local vs Global#

Feature Contributions and Feature MDA can be calculated and retrieved both locally and globally. Conceptually, global metrics are measured using all of the cases in the Trainee, while local metrics use either a specific subset of those cases or a set of new cases and calculates the metrics using cases most similar to those specified cases.

Robust vs Non-Robust#

In order to calculate feature importance, Howso Engine measures the impact on the prediction by comparing predictions with and without the feature. The feature set without the feature of interest may include either all of the other features, or a combination of features that may include any number of other features. Non-robust calculations use a leave-one-out approach to calculate these metrics, thus the metrics reflect the results when all features expect the feature of interest is used. Robust feature contributions compares the results from sampling from the power set of all combinations with and without the feature of interest. Robust metrics are recommended as they encompass a greater variety of feature sets, and they include a calculation performance boost as the number of features increases.

How-To Guide#

Global Feature Importance#

To get global feature importance metrics, Trainee.react_into_trainee(), is first called on a trained and analyzed Trainee. Trainee.react_into_trainee() calls react internally on the cases already trained into the Trainee and calculates the metrics. In this method, the desired metrics can be selected as parameters. These parameters are named individually and setting them to True will cache the desired metrics. For example, mda_robust and contributions_robust will calculate the robust versions of MDA and Feature Contributions, while mda and contributions will calculate the non-robust versions.


In order to extract the metrics, Trainee.get_prediction_stats() is called. An action feature must be specified, and the stats parameter is used determine which metrics to return. The stats parameter takes a list, so multiple metrics may be specified together, but for this example they are separated. If robust metrics are calculated, then the robust parameter must be set to True to retrieve these metrics. If non-robust metrics are calculated, then the robust parameter can be set to the default value.

robust_feature_contributions = t.get_prediction_stats(action_feature=action_features[0], robust=True, stats=['contribution'])
robust_feature_mda = t.get_prediction_stats(action_feature=action_features[0], robust=True, stats=['mda'])

Local Feature Importance#

To get local feature importance metrics, Trainee.react(), is first called on a trained and analyzed Trainee. In this method, the desired metrics, feature_contributions and feature_mda, can be selected as inputs to the details parameters as key value pairs from a dictionary. These parameters are named individually and setting them to True will calculate the desired metrics. Robust calculations are performed by default.

details = {

results = t.react(

In order to retrieve the calculated stats, they can be retrieved from the Trainee.react() output dictionary. They are stored under the explanation key under the name of the metric. Whether these metrics are robust or non-robust is determined when the metrics are calculated in Trainee.react() from the previous step.

robust_feature_contributions = results['explanation']['feature_contributions']
robust_feature_contributions = results['explanation']['feature_mda']


Contributions and MDA are also metrics for cases and not just features, so please be aware when reading other guides that may use those terms.

Example Use-Cases#

In addition to the examples above, here are a few example use-cases for feature importance.

  • Bias Determination
    • e.g., determining which features are important to your model to gauge the possibility of bias in the model.

  • Reducing Trainee size
    • By strategically removing unimportant features, information can be maintained while the size of the Trainee is decreased

API References#