The base definition of the Howso client interface. |
Determine where the configuration is stored, if anywhere. |
Return the appropriate AbstractHowsoClient subclass based on config. |
Return the appropriate AbstractHowsoClient subclass based on config. |
Return the appropriate AbstractHowsoClient subclass based on config. |
The Python API for the Howso Client.
The Howso Python Client API has two major components,
- client module:
A basic client that implements the Howso REST API.
- scikit module:
Implements a scikit-learn Estimator which uses the Howso cloud service to make predictions off of fit data.
Additional submodules are included in the package but are for internal client/scikit operations and thus are omitted from the documentation.
Examples implementations are included in the howso/examples directory.
- class howso.client.AbstractHowsoClient#
The base definition of the Howso client interface.
- abstract acquire_trainee_resources(trainee_id, *, max_wait_time=None)#
Acquire resources for a trainee in the Howso service.
- abstract add_feature(trainee_id, feature, feature_value=None, *, condition=None, condition_session=None, feature_attributes=None, overwrite=False)#
Add a feature to a trainee’s model.
- abstract analyze(trainee_id, context_features=None, action_features=None, *, bypass_calculate_feature_residuals=None, bypass_calculate_feature_weights=None, bypass_hyperparameter_analysis=None, dt_values=None, inverse_residuals_as_weights=None, k_folds=None, k_values=None, num_analysis_samples=None, num_samples=None, analysis_sub_model_size=None, p_values=None, targeted_model=None, use_case_weights=None, use_deviations=None, weight_feature=None, **kwargs)#
Analyzes a trainee.
- abstract append_to_series_store(trainee_id, series, contexts, *, context_features=None)#
Append the specified contexts to a series store.
- abstract auto_analyze(trainee_id)#
Auto-analyze the trainee model.
- abstract begin_session(name='default', metadata=None)#
Begin a new session.
- abstract copy_subtrainee(trainee_id, new_trainee_name, *, target_name_path=None, target_id=None, source_name_path=None, source_id=None)#
Copy a subtrainee in trainee’s hierarchy.
- abstract copy_trainee(trainee_id, new_trainee_name=None, *, library_type=None, resources=None)#
Copy a trainee in the Howso service.
- abstract create_trainee(trainee, *, library_type=None, max_wait_time=None, overwrite_trainee=False, resources=None)#
Create a trainee on the Howso service.
- abstract delete_trainee(trainee_id, file_path=None)#
Delete a trainee in the Howso service.
- abstract delete_trainee_session(trainee_id, session)#
Delete a session from a trainee.
- abstract edit_cases(trainee_id, feature_values, *, case_indices=None, condition=None, condition_session=None, features=None, num_cases=None, precision=None)#
Edit feature values for the specified cases.
- Return type:
- abstract evaluate(trainee_id, features_to_code_map, *, aggregation_code=None)#
Evaluate custom code on case values within the trainee.
- Return type:
- abstract get_auto_ablation_params(trainee_id)#
Get trainee parameters for auto-ablation set by
- abstract get_cases(trainee_id, session=None, case_indices=None, indicate_imputed=False, features=None, condition=None, num_cases=None, precision=None)#
Retrieve cases from a trainee.
- Return type:
- abstract get_distances(trainee_id, features=None, *, action_feature=None, case_indices=None, feature_values=None, use_case_weights=False, weight_feature=None)#
Compute distances matrix for specified cases.
- Return type:
- abstract get_extreme_cases(trainee_id, num, sort_feature, features=None)#
Get the extreme cases of a trainee for the given feature(s).
- Parameters:
features (
] |None
, default:None
)- Return type:
- abstract get_feature_attributes(trainee_id)#
Get a dict of feature attributes.
- abstract get_feature_conviction(trainee_id, *, familiarity_conviction_addition=True, familiarity_conviction_removal=False, use_case_weights=False, features=None, action_features=None, weight_feature=None)#
Get familiarity conviction for features in the model.
- Parameters:
familiarity_conviction_addition (
, default:True
)familiarity_conviction_removal (
, default:False
)use_case_weights (
, default:False
- Return type:
- abstract get_hierarchy(trainee_id)#
Output the hierarchy for a trainee.
- Return type:
- abstract get_marginal_stats(trainee_id, *, condition=None, num_cases=None, precision=None, weight_feature=None)#
Get marginal stats for all features.
- Return type:
- abstract get_num_training_cases(trainee_id)#
Return the number of trained cases in the model.
- Return type:
- abstract get_pairwise_distances(trainee_id, features=None, *, action_feature=None, from_case_indices=None, from_values=None, to_case_indices=None, to_values=None, use_case_weights=False, weight_feature=None)#
Compute pairwise distances between specified cases.
- Return type:
- abstract get_params(trainee_id, *, action_feature=None, context_features=None, mode=None, weight_feature=None)#
Get parameters used by the system.
- Return type:
- abstract get_session(session_id)#
Get session details.
- abstract get_sessions(search_terms=None)#
Get list of all accessible sessions.
- abstract get_substitute_feature_values(trainee_id, clear_on_get=True)#
Get a substitution map for use in extended nominal generation.
- Return type:
- abstract get_trainee(trainee_id)#
Get an existing trainee from the Howso service.
- abstract get_trainee_information(trainee_id)#
Get information about the trainee.
- Return type:
- abstract get_trainee_metrics(trainee_id)#
Get metric information for a trainee.
- Return type:
- abstract get_trainee_session_indices(trainee_id, session)#
Get list of all session indices for a specified session.
- Return type:
- abstract get_trainee_session_training_indices(trainee_id, session)#
Get list of all session training indices for a specified session.
- Return type:
- abstract get_trainee_sessions(trainee_id)#
Get the session ids of a trainee.
- Return type:
- abstract get_trainees(search_terms=None)#
Return a list of all accessible trainees.
- Return type:
- abstract get_version()#
Get Howso version.
- abstract impute(trainee_id, features=None, features_to_impute=None, batch_size=1)#
Impute the missing values for the specified features_to_impute.
- abstract move_cases(trainee_id, num_cases, *, case_indices=None, condition=None, condition_session=None, precision=None, preserve_session_data=False, target_id=None, source_id=None, source_name_path=None, target_name_path=None)#
Move training cases from one trainee to another in the hierarchy.
- Return type:
- abstract persist_trainee(trainee_id)#
Persist a trainee in the Howso service.
- abstract react(trainee_id, *, action_features=None, actions=None, allow_nulls=False, batch_size=None, case_indices=None, contexts=None, context_features=None, derived_action_features=None, derived_context_features=None, desired_conviction=None, details=None, exclude_novel_nominals_from_uniqueness_check=False, feature_bounds_map=None, generate_new_cases='no', initial_batch_size=None, input_is_substituted=False, into_series_store=None, leave_case_out=None, new_case_threshold='min', num_cases_to_generate=1, ordered_by_specified_features=False, post_process_features=None, post_process_values=None, preserve_feature_values=None, progress_callback=None, substitute_output=True, suppress_warning=False, use_case_weights=False, use_regional_model_residuals=True, weight_feature=None)#
Send a react to the Howso engine.
- Return type:
- abstract react_aggregate(trainee_id, *, action_feature=None, confusion_matrix_min_count=None, context_features=None, details=None, feature_influences_action_feature=None, hyperparameter_param_path=None, num_samples=None, num_robust_influence_samples=None, num_robust_residual_samples=None, num_robust_influence_samples_per_case=None, prediction_stats_action_feature=None, residuals_hyperparameter_feature=None, robust_hyperparameters=None, sample_model_fraction=None, sub_model_size=None, use_case_weights=None, weight_feature=None)#
Computes, caches, and/or returns specified feature interpretations.
- Return type:
- abstract react_group(trainee_id, new_cases, *, distance_contributions=False, familiarity_conviction_addition=True, familiarity_conviction_removal=False, features=None, kl_divergence_addition=False, kl_divergence_removal=False, p_value_of_addition=False, p_value_of_removal=False, use_case_weights=False, weight_feature=None)#
Compute specified data for a set of cases.
- Return type:
- abstract react_into_features(trainee_id, *, distance_contribution=False, familiarity_conviction_addition=False, familiarity_conviction_removal=False, features=None, influence_weight_entropy=False, p_value_of_addition=False, p_value_of_removal=False, similarity_conviction=False, use_case_weights=False, weight_feature=None)#
Calculate conviction and other data for the specified feature(s).
- Parameters:
distance_contribution (
, default:False
)familiarity_conviction_addition (
, default:False
)familiarity_conviction_removal (
, default:False
)influence_weight_entropy (
, default:False
)p_value_of_addition (
, default:False
)p_value_of_removal (
, default:False
)similarity_conviction (
, default:False
)use_case_weights (
, default:False
- abstract react_series(trainee_id, *, action_features=None, actions=None, batch_size=None, case_indices=None, contexts=None, context_features=None, continue_series=False, continue_series_features=None, continue_series_values=None, derived_action_features=None, derived_context_features=None, desired_conviction=None, details=None, exclude_novel_nominals_from_uniqueness_check=False, feature_bounds_map=None, final_time_steps=None, generate_new_cases='no', init_time_steps=None, initial_batch_size=None, initial_features=None, initial_values=None, input_is_substituted=False, leave_case_out=None, max_series_lengths=None, new_case_threshold='min', num_series_to_generate=1, ordered_by_specified_features=False, output_new_series_ids=True, preserve_feature_values=None, progress_callback=None, series_context_features=None, series_context_values=None, series_id_tracking='fixed', series_stop_maps=None, series_index=None, substitute_output=True, suppress_warning=False, use_case_weights=False, use_regional_model_residuals=True, weight_feature=None)#
React in a series until a stop condition is met.
- Return type:
- abstract reduce_data(trainee_id, features=None, distribute_weight_feature=None, influence_weight_entropy_threshold=None, skip_auto_analyze=False, **kwargs)#
Smartly reduce the amount of trained cases while accumulating case weights.
- abstract release_trainee_resources(trainee_id)#
Release a trainee’s resources from the Howso service.
- abstract remove_cases(trainee_id, num_cases, *, case_indices=None, condition=None, condition_session=None, distribute_weight_feature=None, precision=None)#
Remove training cases from a trainee.
- Return type:
- abstract remove_feature(trainee_id, feature, *, condition=None, condition_session=None)#
Remove a feature from a trainee.
- abstract remove_series_store(trainee_id, series=None)#
Clear stored series from trainee.
- abstract rename_subtrainee(trainee_id, new_name, *, child_name_path=None, child_id=None)#
Renames a contained child trainee in the hierarchy.
- Return type:
- abstract set_auto_ablation_params(trainee_id, auto_ablation_enabled=False, *, auto_ablation_weight_feature='.case_weight', conviction_lower_threshold=None, conviction_upper_threshold=None, exact_prediction_features=None, influence_weight_entropy_threshold=0.6, minimum_model_size=1000, relative_prediction_threshold_map=None, residual_prediction_features=None, tolerance_prediction_threshold_map=None, **kwargs)#
Set trainee parameters for auto-ablation.
- abstract set_auto_analyze_params(trainee_id, auto_analyze_enabled=False, analyze_threshold=None, *, auto_analyze_limit_size=None, analyze_growth_factor=None, **kwargs)#
Set trainee parameters for auto analysis.
- abstract set_feature_attributes(trainee_id, feature_attributes)#
Set feature attributes for a trainee.
- abstract set_params(trainee_id, params)#
Set specific hyperparameters in the trainee.
- abstract set_random_seed(trainee_id, seed)#
Set the random seed for the trainee.
- abstract set_substitute_feature_values(trainee_id, substitution_value_map)#
Set a substitution map for use in extended nominal generation.
- abstract train(trainee_id, cases, features=None, *, accumulate_weight_feature=None, batch_size=None, derived_features=None, initial_batch_size=None, input_is_substituted=False, progress_callback=None, series=None, train_weights_only=False, validate=True)#
Train a trainee with sessions containing training cases.
- abstract update_session(session_id, *, metadata=None)#
Update a session.
- abstract update_trainee(trainee)#
Update an existing trainee in the Howso service.
- abstract property active_session#
Return the active session.
- abstract property react_initial_batch_size: int#
The default number of cases in the first react batch.
- abstract property train_initial_batch_size: int#
The default number of cases in the first train batch.
- abstract property trainee_cache#
Return the trainee cache.
- howso.client.HowsoClient(**kwargs)#
Return the appropriate AbstractHowsoClient subclass based on config.
This is a “factory function” that, based on the given parameters, will decide which AbstractHowsoClient derivative to instantiate and return.
- Parameters:
config_path – The path to a valid configuration file, or None
verbose – If True provides more verbose messaging. Default is false.
kwargs – Additional client arguments. These will be passed to the client constructor along with config_path and verbose.
- Returns:
An instantiated subclass of AbstractHowsoClient.
- howso.client.HowsoPandasClient(**kwargs)#
Return the appropriate AbstractHowsoClient subclass based on config.
This is a “factory function” that, based on the given parameters, will decide which AbstractHowsoClient derivative to instantiate and return using the Pandas client mixin.
- Parameters:
config_path – The path to a valid configuration file, or None
verbose – If True provides more verbose messaging. Default is false.
kwargs – Additional client arguments. These will be passed to the client constructor along with config_path and verbose.
- Returns:
An instantiated subclass of AbstractHowsoClient constructed with the HowsoPandasClientMixin.
- howso.client.get_configuration_path(config_path=None, verbose=False)#
Determine where the configuration is stored, if anywhere.
If config_path is None, None will be returned.
If a config_path is that is non-None, it will be processed as a YAML file, if the file does not exist at the provided path or there are parse errors, an exception will be raised.
- Parameters:
config_path (
, default:None
) – The given config_path.verbose (
, default:False
) – If True provides more verbose messaging. Default is false.
- Returns:
The found config_path or None
- Raises:
HowsoConfigurationError – Raised if a config_path is provided but points to a non-existent file or the file is un-parsable as a YAML file.
- Return type:
Path | None
- howso.client.get_howso_client(**kwargs)#
Return the appropriate AbstractHowsoClient subclass based on config.
This is a “factory function” that, based on the given parameters, will decide which AbstractHowsoClient derivative to instantiate and return.
- Parameters:
config_path – The path to a valid configuration file, or None
verbose – If True provides more verbose messaging. Default is false.
kwargs – Additional client arguments. These will be passed to the client constructor along with config_path and verbose.
- Returns:
An instantiated subclass of AbstractHowsoClient.