Influential Cases#

Prerequisites: before you begin#


Our example dataset for this guide is the well-known Adult dataset, accessible via the pmlb package installed in the prerequisites using the fetch_data() function.

Concepts & Terminology#

Influential cases and most similiar cases represent the cases with the smallest distance to the case of interest. They are closely related, as most similar cases can be any of number of cases ranked by distance while influential cases are a subset of most similiar cases comprising of cases close enough to influence the case of interest. Boundary cases are the most similiar cases that have a different action value.

How-To Guide#


The user guide assumes you have created and setup a Trainee as demonstrated in basic workflow. The created Trainee will be referenced as trainee in the sections below.

Configure the details parameter and react#

The details parameter allows us to select which details to return when using react().

Influential Cases#

Influential cases can be retrieved by setting influential_cases to True.

details = {'influential_cases': True}

Most Similiar Cases#

The most similiar cases can be retrieved by setting most_similar_cases to True. The number of cases retrieved can be set by configuring the num_most_similar_cases parameter.

details = {
    'most_similar_cases': True,
    'num_most_similar_cases': 30,

Boundary Cases#

Boundary cases can be retrieved by setting boundary_cases to True. The number of cases retrieved can be set by configuring the num_boundary_cases parameter.

details = {
    'boundary_cases': True,
    'num_boundary_cases': 30,


Calling react() on the test case will retrieve the details for that case. The details in the sections above may be retrieved all at once as shown below.

details = {
    'most_similar_cases': True,
    'num_most_similar_cases': 30,
    'boundary_cases': True,
    'num_boundary_cases': 30,
    'influential_cases': True,

results = trainee.react(

Step 6 - Retrieve Details#

Review the results of the details retrieved.

influential_cases = pd.DataFrame(results['details']['influential_cases'][0])
similiar_cases = pd.DataFrame(results['details']['similiar_cases'][0])
boundary_cases = pd.DataFrame(results['details']['boundary_cases'][0])

Combined Code#

import pandas as pd
from pmlb import fetch_data

from howso.engine import Trainee
from howso.utilities import infer_feature_attributes

df = fetch_data('adult', local_cache_dir="data/adult")

# Subsample the data to ensure the example runs quickly
df = df.sample(1000, random_state=0).reset_index(drop=True)

# Split out the last row for a prediction set and drop the Action Feature
test_case = df.iloc[[-1]].copy()
df.drop(df.index[-1], inplace=True)

# Auto detect features
features = infer_feature_attributes(df)

# Specify Context and Action Features
action_features = ['target']
context_features = features.get_names(without=action_features)

# Create a new Trainee, specify features
 trainee = Trainee(features=features)

# Train and analyze

details = {
    'most_similar_cases': True,
    'num_most_similar_cases': 30,
    'boundary_cases': True,
    'num_boundary_cases': 30,
    'influential_cases': True,

results = trainee.react(

influential_cases = pd.DataFrame(results['details']['influential_cases'][0])
similiar_cases = pd.DataFrame(results['details']['most_similar_cases'][0])
boundary_cases = pd.DataFrame(results['details']['boundary_cases'][0])

API References#