Derived Features#

Objectives & Takeaways#

  • Definitions & an understanding of how to use derived features as well as which situations or data derived features are appropriate for.



The dataset for this recipe highlights one of the common use-cases for derived features and can be downloaded here. This dataset consists of a start time, and end time, and a duration column. We will use derived features to ensure that the end time is equal to the start time plus the duration.

Concepts & Terminology#

How-To guide#

Here we will define a derived feature and then react to the dataset. This will ensure that the features maintain their relationships.

Load Data#

First, we load the data using Pandas. Note that the data are stored as a Parquet file in order to preserve the datetime data types.

# These are the necessary imports for this user guide:
import datetime
import pandas as pd

from howso.engine import Trainee
from howso.utilities import infer_feature_attributes

# Load in the data using pandas
df = pd.read_parquet('data/dates_generated.parquet')


Define Derived Feature Code#

Derived features use code that is similar to howsoai/amalgam to define a relationship. Then, rather than predicting, the feature will be derived according to that code.

To do this, we create a partial feature attributes dictionary which will be fed to infer_feature_attributes(). In the partial feature attributes dictionary, we define the derived feature code which instructs Engine in how to derive the end feature as a function of the start and duration features.

partial_features = {
    'end': {
        'derived_feature_code': '(+ #start 0 #duration 0),

The derived feature code that we use, (+ #start 0 #duration 0) instructs Engine to add duration to start. The zeros are offsets that are only non-zero for time-series operations, and refer to how far back in the time-series to look.

Map Data#

Now we can use infer_feature_attributes() to understand the properties and characteristics of the data.

features = infer_feature_attributes(df, features=partial_features)

By supplying the partial feature attributes we defined in step 2, the derived feature code will be populated for the end feature.

Train and Analyze#

Here the original data are trained into Howso Engine, so that it understands relationships between all data points.

trainee = Trainee(features=features)


Here we perform a generative react to generate 5 cases.

reaction = trainee.react(
    action_features=['start', 'end', 'duration'],
synth_df = reaction['action']
synth_df['end'] = synth_df.end.apply(
    lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x)

The derived_action_features parameter instructs Engine to derive the end feature rather than generating it.

Finally, we can validate that the derivation behaved as expected:

for i, row in synth_df.iterrows():
    assert row.start + pd.to_timedelta(row.duration, unit='s') == row.end

Complete Code#

The code from all of the steps in this guide is combined below:

# These are the necessary imports for this user guide:
import datetime
import pandas as pd

from howso.engine import Trainee
from howso.utilities import infer_feature_attributes

# Load in the data using pandas
df = pd.read_parquet('data/dates_generated.parquet')


trainee = Trainee(features=features)

reaction = trainee.react(
    action_features=['start', 'end', 'duration'],
synth_df = reaction['action']
synth_df['end'] = synth_df.end.apply(
    lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x)

for i, row in synth_df.iterrows():
    assert row.start + pd.to_timedelta(row.duration, unit='s') == row.end

API References#