API Reference#

This page and its children contain API documentation for Howso Engine and its submodules.

Howso Engine Packages#

These packages are the main ways to interact with Howso Engine.


The Python API for the Howso Engine Client.


This module contains various utilities for the Howso clients.


The Python API for the Howso Scikit Client.

Howso Internal Packages#

These packages are for internal use and are not recommended for inexperienced users.


The Python API for the Howso Client.


The Python API for the Howso Direct Client.

Feature Attributes#

Feature attributes are the foundational data structure used to define features and their properties for the Howso Engine. Feature attributes can be generated inferred automatically using infer_feature_attributes(), but users are encouraged to manually inspect the resulting attributes and make any necessary changes.

See the full definition of all feature attributes in the pages below.